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Showing posts from 2021

Song of Single Parents

We get ready for school The time gets closer and closer for us to leave I start rushing, then I tell myself to stop rushing, and repeat We drive to school Will they remember this? Which day on our way to school will they remember? The one where we are happy? The one where I was upset? They ask me how many days until they return We get out of the car and walk My little one gives me her hand to hold My eldest sees her friend, she rushes ahead with her book bag flopping on her back My little one and I continue our steady pace At the front steps I let her hand go, kiss her forehead and pat her back with a smile It’s the last time that I’ll see them I tell them that I love them They’re going to stay with their mom for a few days They walk into the hall and others start to block my view A child, a teacher  In a matter of moments they disappear into the crowd, and I walk away I try not to go through this every week, but I worry Well, at least my worry all comes out in those moments I send out

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day To all of you who break your back for your family Anguish, so real to you You shield it from your loved ones Like a duck, your feet flap furiously beneath the water Meanwhile above, your little ones only see a smooth ride Happy Father's Day to those of you who lost in court That sacrificed everything, who you are, the path that you were on Tolerating and enduring an awful relationship To make for your children, a more enjoyable life And all to often, only to come out the other end at a deficit In the eyes of the court, simply because you are a man Happy Father's Day to the fathers in history Whom either from ignorance or pride, went off to war to protect their family Especially to those who were drafted While others complained back home About anything that was back home They were taken, by force And were left no choice but to go up and over the trench Into an onslaught of gunfire, and at gunpoint behind If they came home, they came home from a place wh