Hands The open hand of a beggar Nervous hands grasping the podium at the beginning of a speech Hands of warmth, and hands of adoration affectionately caressing your skin Clutched hands of the misunderstood Hands that rub a rose petal between their fingers Hands that clutch a charm of a lost love Hands that strike in anger And the shaking hands of friendship Unquenchable lovers hands exploring the bodies of one another And celibate hands that touch no one Meditative hands resting on one's lap And hands that murder stained with blood Hands that speak to the deaf And hands that see for the blind Wrinkled grandmother hands that know so much Phantom hands that were lost in battle Praying hands clasped together against the forehead The folded hands of thought over paperwork on a desk Hands slapped away in rejection Figurative hands hidden in governments and corporations The hands of an illusionist playing with the limit
When you stop dismantling the world as you know it you stop learning