At music stores nowadays, and maybe it's the same in other areas of shopping,
it's fend for yourself. The store acts like it's completely absolved
from selling you a shitty product “Yeah, 'Zeus' pre-amps are crap
nowadays”, and you're supposed to just stand there and nod your
head in agreement with the employee. You sold me this shit
buddy! Why are you knowingly selling crappy
products? What
good are the people working there if ultimately the decision's
on you?
As a musician, I'm not necessarily an audio technician that
knows all the nuances
of the latest builds. This is
a critical impasse.
- So, you decide to go with the $999.00 thing that says “Pro” in
its title, because it's
been the industry standard in studios for decades, so you forgo
the 25% “we'll act like we sold this
thing to you for longer than
a month” fee—out of some archaic
back-in-my-day principle of
honor, then
realize that it's buggy as
shit! Is every component you buy a required research project for the
consumer? Shouldn't the
company have researched whether or not it was making or
selling a shitty product
before putting it on the market?
It's like our world is saying “Hey man!
Just don't get much of anything done.
But, don't feel bad. You're
not alone! We're
all lost in the fog of the
consumer war. And
here, buy this extra component to remedy the state of the art
piece-of-shit you're responsible for buying at
our store.” Pat, pat, pat, on the back. “Would
you like to get extra coverage on that?”
It's clear that companies
don't do what's great,
they do whatever they've calculated they can get away with. Leaving
you holding the bag, and your principles, and the address to the manufacturer in Green Earth, Minnesota.
I'll see you all in the help forums.
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